"A tool that was trialed and became the standard for our program is True Colors. Participants connected quickly and easily with the principles of True Colors and reported that they felt it easier to understand than the MBTi. True Colors was chosen for a number of reasons, including the ability to easily self-administer the assessment along with individuals’ immediate connection to the principles covered by the tool. The social nature of the instrument also provided an appropriate lead into the curriculum to follow, which involved working extensively with others, either individually or in teams. In addition, the True Colors tool was simpler and less expensive to administer."
"What led me to get certified in True Colors was the credibility of True Colors Intl. It’s the easiest to work with and just makes sense. I have taken other assessments; however True Colors Intl. provides the most comprehensive products that are applicable in work and home settings."
"True Colors has had a major influence on our ability to work together to achieve goals and to appreciate what each individual brings to the table. It is the heart of our team-building and diversity training. We also use True Colors to teach our sales staff how to sell to different personality types."